domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017


Internet is very important in the world, the internet is a very good technological invention. The Internet is very important because a lot of people use it because people look for information, watch videos, listen to music, play games and do other things on the Internet. It also has a lot of applications. The people use Google (an internet application) information, create pages and do other things.

The Internet isn’t free people  have to pay to use the Internet but some people go to the library because people don’t have to pay to use the internet in the library because the library pays for the internet because the library is public and people go there and don't pay anything.

I’m using the internet for doing to do my homework because I look for a lot of information. Thanks to the internet I do my homework well because for example when I am doing English I look up the difficult words in Word Reference, And I watch videos and listen to music on Youtube.
Resultado de imagen de internet

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