domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire

In the beginning of the film Harry Potter dreams of Lord Voldemort who’s discussing plans with Peter Pettigrew and another man.
In Hogwarts they celebrated the triwizard tournament where the best of each school participle in the tournament and will be able the winner. The people who want participate must put in the globet of fire his name and the globet want decide contestants. The competitors are Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour and Harry Potter. Harry can’t participle because he’s less than eighteen but someone make him a trap. Harry must to compete because he was chosen by the globet.
Competitors participate in the dangerous tournament where they must fight against dragon, aquatic creatures and with their opponents.
The last event was find the cup in a magician maze to be the winner. Cedric and Harry find the cup and they touch it at the same time. The cup was a translator and they appear in a cemetery what Harry had dreamed about it. Then appear Peter Pettingrew with Lord Voldemort in his hands. Peter kills Cedric and makes a ritual with Harry Potter’s blood. Because of the ritual Lord Voldemort returns to a men and recover his power. Harry can escape and return to the tournament with their people but with death body of Cedric and the new about Lord Voldemort returns.

In my opinion it’s a great film but to see it it’s better see the saga since the beginning because if you don’t see it before you can’t follow that film.

I chose that one because I like a lot and last weekend they did on TV and I can see it and remember fantastic film what is.
Resultado de imagen de Harry potter and the chalice of fire

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