The web “the animal in you”
says I am a tiger. His scientific name is (Panthera tigris).

- Handsome
- Powerful
- Elegance
- Self-confidence
I am agree about all for example
when I have a objective I settle in it and I do all possible things to
get it but I don't agree about I prefer solitude because I like be with a
little group but not solitude because is very bored and unsociable. I don't
like big groups because is stressful. I don't agree completely with I am
handsome because I think I am not handsome but I am not ugly too.
Careers and Hobbies
- Lawyer
- General Director
- Business owner (from engineering to retailing)
I am agree I will be a
good lawyer because I have very exigent and I would win all but I don’t like
the letters and for this reason in the future I won’t do this work.
Work about General Director
or be a business owner is difficult to know in this moment I like do these for
this reason I don’t know I am agree about it.
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